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28 October 2007

Comet Holmes! Look to the Skies!

e-mail from buddy in New York City ... if you Google, you can probably find astro websites which tell you how to (clear local night skies permitting) see this Comet Holmes from the entire Northern Hemisphere, Europe, Asia. A good comet usually stays visible for at least three nights in a row. But I wanted to zap this to all Vleeptroids immediately. I got it Sunday night at 04:00 GMT (11 pm US Eastern Time).

I don't know whether from your home at night you can conveniently look northeast. If you can, check out Comet Holmes. As the night progresses, the comet rises. Last night at about 1:30am it was near the zenith. (I almost fell off my balcony.) Right now, both the moon and the Empire State Building are in my field of vision. I'm mentioning that so you can get a sense of relative brightness. With nothing other than my [eye-] glasses, the comet is a dim star. But considering the moon and the Empire State Building, it ain't that dim. With binoculars (10 x 50) it's a regular old fuzzy ball. e you later.

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